Training About Indirect Rates
Course Objectives & Benefits:
After successful completion of this course, participant will be able to:
Analyze indirect costs
Perform an Overhead Rate Analysis
Perform an Overhead Rate Analysis
Key Topics Of Training:
Categories of Indirect Costs
General and
Administrative Expenses.
Allocation of Costs
Allocation to the final cost objective.
Methods of allocating overhead cost.
Effect of Different Allocation Bases
Basic data
Allocation based on: direct costs; production quantity
Affect of allocation method on total cost
Significance of different allocation methods
Under absorption and Over absorption of Overhead Costs
Under absorption,
Over absorption, and
Exact Absorption
Impact of Faulty Forecasts
Cost analysis of overhead rates.
FAR requirements for submission of indirect costs
Analysis of overhead costs and the basis of allocation.
General and administrative costs. Special considerations
Follow-on contracts
Off-site overhead
Allowability of costs under government contracts
Forward pricing, billing, and final indirect rates
Burden Rate Projection
Basic steps in determining rates
Projecting rates
Rate changes
Cost-volume-profit analysis
Steps in performing overhead rate analysis
General and
Administrative Expenses.
Allocation of Costs
Allocation to the final cost objective.
Methods of allocating overhead cost.
Effect of Different Allocation Bases
Basic data
Allocation based on: direct costs; production quantity
Affect of allocation method on total cost
Significance of different allocation methods
Under absorption and Over absorption of Overhead Costs
Under absorption,
Over absorption, and
Exact Absorption
Impact of Faulty Forecasts
Cost analysis of overhead rates.
FAR requirements for submission of indirect costs
Analysis of overhead costs and the basis of allocation.
General and administrative costs. Special considerations
Follow-on contracts
Off-site overhead
Allowability of costs under government contracts
Forward pricing, billing, and final indirect rates
Burden Rate Projection
Basic steps in determining rates
Projecting rates
Rate changes
Cost-volume-profit analysis
Steps in performing overhead rate analysis
Pelatihan ini sangat sesuai untuk Anda yang ingin memiliki landasan yang kuat dan cukup dalam pengelolaan biaya overhead dan biaya tidak langsung lainnya.
Group Discussions
Group & Individual Exercises
Case Studies
Role Plays
Action Plan
Quality Training Kit (Pencil case: Erase, Bolpoint, Pencil, Tipe X, Stabillo, Flash Disk 8 GB),
Training Material (HandOut & SoftCopy)
Convenient training facilities in stars hotel (Public Training)
Lunch and Coffee Breaks (Public Training)
Permintaan Brosur penawaran Training ( Harga, Waktu dan Tempat) silahkan Menghubungi kami.
Catatan :
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