Training Database Management System (DBMS) and Design
You Will Learn How To-
- Design, build and query a relational database
- Capture the structure of an existing database with a CASE tool
- Develop a data model to describe an application’s data
- Apply normalization to data for effective, stable database design
- Access data in a relational database using simple SQL queries
Hands-On Exercises-
- Analyzing an existing database with a CASE tool
- Developing data models
- Identifying entities, attributes and relationships
- Normalizing data to create stable table structures
- Exploiting a CASE tool to generate SQL
- Constructing simple SQL queries to access the database
An overview of DBMS technology
- How data is accessed, organized and stored
- The database development process
DBMS and related user tools
- Query and application development tools
- CASE tools for database analysis and design
How a Relational DBMS Works
Relational technology fundamentals
- Tables, attributes and relationships
- Primary and foreign keys
- Relational integrity constraints
- Manipulating data: selection, projection, join, union, intersection, difference
Components of a relational DBMS
- An integrated, active data dictionary
- The query optimizer
Designing Relational Databases
A step-by-step approach and techniques
- Developing the logical data model
- Mapping the data model to the relational model
- Specifying integrity constraints
- Defining the data in the data dictionary
Entity-relationship modeling
- Capturing entities, attributes and identifiers
- Describing relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many
- Optional and mandatory relationships
- Resolving many-to-many relationships for implementation
Normalizing data to design tables
- Avoiding update anomalies
- Identifying functional dependencies
- Applying rules for normalization
Working with a CASE tool
- Generating the SQL to build the database
- Reverse engineering to capture the design of an existing database
Physical database design
- Assigning tables to disk files for performance and maintenance
- Fragmenting large tables
- Planned denormalization vs. accidental denormalization
- Indexing for performance and integrity
Building and Querying a Relational Database
Fundamentals of SQL
- A dynamic and evolving language
- ANSI and ISO standards
Creating a relational database
- Defining the database and its objects: tables, keys, views and indexes
- Declaring integrity constraints
Accessing the database with SQL
- Querying the database to retrieve desired information
- Updating data while maintaining database integrity
Constructing and using views
- Defining views for simplicity and security
- Customizing windows into the database
- Querying and updating through views
The Future of Database Design
Enforcing business rules for data integrity
- Defining declarative constraints
- Server-side programming in a procedural language
- Modeling in analysis and design
- Focusing on business rules
- Creating an intelligent server
- Group Discussions
- Group & Individual Exercises
- Presentations
- Games
- Case Studies
- Role Plays
- Self-Assessment
- Action Plan
- Certificate,
- Quality Training Kit (Pencil case: Erase, Bolpoint, Pencil, Tipe X, Stabillo, Flash Disk 8 GB),
- Bag.
- Training Material (HandOut & SoftCopy)
- Convenient training facilities in stars hotel (Public Training)
- Lunch and Coffee Breaks (Public Training)
- Souvenir
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