Training Network Monitoring Technique
As company intranets continue to grow it is increasingly important that network administrators are aware of and have a handle on the different types of traffic that is traversing their networks. Traffic monitoring and analysis is essential in order to more effectively troubleshoot and resolve issues when they occur, so as to not bring network services to a stand still for extended periods of time. Numerous tools are available to help administrators with the monitoring and analysis of network traffic. This paper discusses router based monitoring techniques and non-router based monitoring techniques (passive versus active). It gives an overview of the three most widely used router based network monitoring tools available (SNMP, RMON, and Cisco Netflow), and provides information about two newer monitoring methods that use a combination of passive and active monitoring techniques (WREN and SCNM).
- 1.0 Importance of Network Monitoring and Analysis
- 2.0 Monitoring and Analysis Techniques
- 2.1 Router Based Monitoring Techniques
- 2.1.1 Simple Network Monitoring Protocol (SNMP) RFC 1157
- 2.1.2 Remote Monitoring (RMON) RFC 1757
- 2.1.3 Netflow RFC 3954
- 2.2 Non-Router Based Techniques
- 2.2.1 Active Monitoring
- 2.2.2 Passive Monitoring
- 2.2.3 Combinational Monitoring
- Watching Resources from the Edge of the Network (WREN)
- Self Configuring Network Monitor (SCNM)
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