Training Financial Metrics
This Course Explore The Financial Metrics That Are Commonly Used And Examines The Not So Obvious Financial Impact Of Typical Operating Decisions And Actions.
In today’s world of increasing competition and focus on corporate earnings, project and contract managers are held accountable not just for achieving technical and schedule goals, but also for meeting profitability and other financial goals. This course explores the financial metrics that are commonly used and examines the not-so-obvious financial impact of typical operating decisions and actions. Building on competencies developed in the core management curriculum, you’ll examine the inner mechanics of how finance and accounting can impact your project.
You’ll learn about common financial analysis tools in the project environment that link project management to broader corporate strategic goals. Case studies and projectrelated exercises give you the opportunity to apply these proven tools and techniques. You’ll see how finance often drives organizational decisions and evaluations of project performance. You’ll also learn how operating decisions regarding pricing, terms and conditions, and asset management directly and significantly affect the financial health of your organization.
This three-day course is so packed full of vital topics that many students refer to it as a “mini-MBA experience” and even veteran MBAs have praised it highly. Take advantage of this opportunity to get a firm grasp of the financial management issues that can affect your projects
You’ll learn about common financial analysis tools in the project environment that link project management to broader corporate strategic goals. Case studies and projectrelated exercises give you the opportunity to apply these proven tools and techniques. You’ll see how finance often drives organizational decisions and evaluations of project performance. You’ll also learn how operating decisions regarding pricing, terms and conditions, and asset management directly and significantly affect the financial health of your organization.
This three-day course is so packed full of vital topics that many students refer to it as a “mini-MBA experience” and even veteran MBAs have praised it highly. Take advantage of this opportunity to get a firm grasp of the financial management issues that can affect your projects
Communicate more effectively with accounting and financial personnel
Read, understand and analyze accounting and financial data
Expand your work in project scheduling and cost control to encompass additional financial metrics and tools
Minimize project financial risk
Develop and apply tools for comparing project financial returns
Read, understand and analyze accounting and financial data
Expand your work in project scheduling and cost control to encompass additional financial metrics and tools
Minimize project financial risk
Develop and apply tools for comparing project financial returns
Fundamentals of Finance
Financial accounting concepts
Generally accepted accounting principles
Reading and understanding financial statements
Financial analysis
Managerial accounting
Business case consideration
Cost vs. revenue
Profitability measures
Time value of money
Discounted cash flows
Direct vs. indirect costs
Fixed vs. variable vs. semivariable costs
Break-even analysis
Contract Profitability—Pricing
Pricing strategy and tactics
Profit planning
Cost estimating
Cost-based pricing
Market-based pricing
Value-based pricing
Profit objective
Market structure
Follow-on business
Asset Management—Cash is King
Cash ; Timing of cash flows
Accounts receivable
Revenue recognition
Financing arrangements
Terms and Conditions (Ts and Cs)—Best Practices
Value, cost and risk
Seller-friendly Ts and Cs
Unfavorable Ts and Cs
Metrics to evaluate
Cost Estimating—What Works Best
Cost estimating methods
Planning and scheduling
Making sense of historical data
Experience curves
Relationship between cost estimating and pricing
Financial accounting concepts
Generally accepted accounting principles
Reading and understanding financial statements
Financial analysis
Managerial accounting
Business case consideration
Cost vs. revenue
Profitability measures
Time value of money
Discounted cash flows
Direct vs. indirect costs
Fixed vs. variable vs. semivariable costs
Break-even analysis
Contract Profitability—Pricing
Pricing strategy and tactics
Profit planning
Cost estimating
Cost-based pricing
Market-based pricing
Value-based pricing
Profit objective
Market structure
Follow-on business
Asset Management—Cash is King
Cash ; Timing of cash flows
Accounts receivable
Revenue recognition
Financing arrangements
Terms and Conditions (Ts and Cs)—Best Practices
Value, cost and risk
Seller-friendly Ts and Cs
Unfavorable Ts and Cs
Metrics to evaluate
Cost Estimating—What Works Best
Cost estimating methods
Planning and scheduling
Making sense of historical data
Experience curves
Relationship between cost estimating and pricing
Anyone involved in Project Management and Strategic Financial Management
- Group Discussions
- Group & Individual Exercises
- Presentations
- Games
- Case Studies
- Role Plays
- Self-Assessment
- Action Plan
- Certificate,
- Quality Training Kit (Pencil case: Erase, Bolpoint, Pencil, Tipe X, Stabillo, Flash Disk 8 GB),
- Bag.
- Training Material (HandOut & SoftCopy)
- Convenient training facilities in stars hotel (Public Training)
- Lunch and Coffee Breaks (Public Training)
- Souvenir
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