TRAINING HVAC System : Fundamental & Operation
Mastering fundamentals and operation principles of HVAC systems is a must for designers and operators of such systems. This course covers fundamentals of HVAC systems starting from psychometric calculations to design of air conditioning cycles. Load calculations, distribution, system selection, control, and energy conservation of HVAC systems are all covered in this course. Topics are introduced to individuals who have no or little background on the subject while also providing a valuable information resource to personnel having experience with HVAC systems.
A. Fundamentals of HVAC
B. Determination of Moist Air Properties and the Use of Psychrometric Chart
• Moist air properties
• The psychrometric chart
• Moist air processes
C. Calculations of Air Conditioning Cycles (Systems)
• Bypassed, return and outdoor air
• Capacity of refrigerating plant
• Effect of heat gains in ductwork
D. Determination of Space Conditions – Comfort Zone
• Comfort-physiological considerations
• Environmental comfort indices
• Comfort conditions
E. Cooling/Heating Load Calculations
• Design temperature differences
• Quantity of heat to be removed
• Conduction heat gains
• Loads due to lights and equipment.
• Radiant and solar heat gains
F. Design of Air Distribution System (Duct Design)
• Total, static and velocity pressures
• Changes in pressure in a duct
• Loss in static pressure due to friction
• Fan laws and fan performance curves
• System characteristic curves
• Duct design
G. Operation of HVAC
H. System Selection and Control
• System selection.
• Control devices
• Types of control systems
• Basic control theory
I. Energy Conservation
• Determination of energy conservation opportunities (ECOs) in HVAC Systems
• Diagnostics and refining
• Implementation and maintenance
Economic considerations
Design and project engineers and technologists, Plant and facility engineers, Consultants, Mechanical engineers and technologists, Maintenance and operation personnel and other technical personnel who need to upgrade/refresh their current knowledge of HVAC systems
Design and project engineers and technologists, Plant and facility engineers, Consultants, Mechanical engineers and technologists, Maintenance and operation personnel and other technical personnel who need to upgrade/refresh their current knowledge of HVAC systems
- Group Discussions
- Group & Individual Exercises
- Presentations
- Games
- Case Studies
- Role Plays
- Self-Assessment
- Action Plan
- Certificate,
- Quality Training Kit (Pencil case: Erase, Bolpoint, Pencil, Tipe X, Stabillo, Flash Disk 8 GB),
- Bag.
- Training Material (HandOut & SoftCopy)
- Convenient training facilities in stars hotel (Public Training)
- Lunch and Coffee Breaks (Public Training)
- Souvenir
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Catatan :
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- Request Training. Jika anda membutuhkan informasi pelatihan yang belum tercantum pada website ini, atau anda ingin memberikan usulan materi yang sesuai dengan tingkat kebutuhan perusahaan anda, silahkan mengirimkan ke alamat emailyang tercantum.
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- Peserta bisa mengajukan Tanggal Pelatihan / Training selain yang tertera pada silabus penawaran.
Info Jadwal Training , Training, Training di Bandung, Training di Jakarta, Training di Bali, Training di Yogyakarta, Training di Lombok, Training di Surabaya, Training di Malang, Training di Solo, Training di Medan, Training di Manado, Training di Batam, Training di Semarang, Training di Bogor,
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