Best practice protocol services are delivered in deliberate observance of extant norms and modern rules of engagement. A Protocol officer should possess the knowledge, skills and attitude required for processing the right documents at the right time and in the right place supported with efficient logistics as this constitute prime requirements for achieving business goals. This course will provide participants with practices that are coherent and in-line with international best practices.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, participants will:
- Develop skills for efficient protocol and travel management
- Plan and organise national and international travel and accommodation
- Plan international exhibitions, visits and events
- Turn complaints to opportunities
- Effectively manage difficult people
- Create realistic budgets and control costs
- Reduce the impact of unexpected emergencies and crises
Who Should Attend
Administrative Officers and Protocol Officers
Courses Contents
- The Protocol and Travel Function
- The Right Documents, at the Right Time, in the Right Place
- Accommodation and International Travel Requirements
- Exhibitions, Conferences, Visits and Events Nationally and Internationally
- Budgeting and Cost Control
- Building and Maintaining Strong Relationships
- Communication Skills
- Risks and Disruption to Travel: Pro-active Management
- Group Discussions
- Group & Individual Exercises
- Presentations
- Games
- Case Studies
- Role Plays
- Self-Assessment
- Action Plan
- Certificate,
- Quality Training Kit (Pencil case: Erase, Bolpoint, Pencil, Tipe X, Stabillo, Flash Disk 8 GB),
- Bag.
- Training Material (HandOut & SoftCopy)
- Convenient training facilities in stars hotel (Public Training)
- Lunch and Coffee Breaks (Public Training)
- Souvenir
Permintaan Brosur penawaran Training ( Harga, Waktu dan Tempat) silahkan Menghubungi kami.
Catatan :
- Pelatihan ini dapat di-customized sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan Anda bila diselenggarakan dalam bentuk In-House Training. Untuk permintaan In-House Trainingdengan jenis topik lainya, silahkan mengirimkan ke alamat email yang tercantum di web kami.
- Request Training. Jika anda membutuhkan informasi pelatihan yang belum tercantum pada website ini, atau anda ingin memberikan usulan materi yang sesuai dengan tingkat kebutuhan perusahaan anda, silahkan mengirimkan ke alamat emailyang tercantum.
- Bila tidak ada tanggal dan waktu atau yang tercantum sudah kadaluarsa didalam artikel mohon tanyakan kepada kami untuk jadwal terbarunya.
- Peserta bisa mengajukan Tanggal Pelatihan / Training selain yang tertera pada silabus penawaran.
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