Training Risk Based Inspection
Risk-Based Inspection is a systematical process that identifies, assesses and map industrial risks, which can compromise equipment integrity in both pressurized equipment and structural elements. The high risk equipments are then managed by a proper inspection interval, method and coverage. In the RBI philosophy, it is more cost- effective to allow some systems to fail as long as the consequences of the failure are low, on the other hand, some systems may have such high consequences of failure that failure is totally unacceptable, and therefore, these items should receive most attention by using a proper inspection plan & practice. In this course API 581 and API 580 and other DNV and ABS guidelines and recommended practices, will be consulted.
- Increased knowledge of equipment which may pose a potential risk.
- More reliable equipment and plant operation.
- Increased safety.
- Cost optimization through switching to non-invasive inspection techniques.
- Possibility to tailor shutdown scope.
- Option to extend run lengths where applicable national regulations permit it.
- Increased teamwork during the implementation process.
- Development of a knowledge database including equipment design, process features, damage mechanisms and inspection strategies
- Defining boundary system to be assessed
- Screening operating unit within a plant to identify area of high risk.
- Identifying the damage mechanism operative
- Determining the technical module sub-factor and likelihood of failures
- Determining the hazard areas and consequence of failure
- Estimating a risk value of each equipment, tabulated and ranked
- Prioritizing the equipment maintenance based on a the measured risk
- Designing an appropriate inspection program.
- Systematically managing the risk equipment failures.
Plant and Pipeline Operators, Supervisors, Engineers and Manager or every one who should know this topic.
- Group Discussions
- Group & Individual Exercises
- Presentations
- Games
- Case Studies
- Role Plays
- Self-Assessment
- Action Plan
- Certificate,
- Quality Training Kit (Pencil case: Erase, Bolpoint, Pencil, Tipe X, Stabillo, Flash Disk 8 GB),
- Bag.
- Training Material (HandOut & SoftCopy)
- Convenient training facilities in stars hotel (Public Training)
- Lunch and Coffee Breaks (Public Training)
- Souvenir
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